
A story of excellence

The Memmola brothers have continued the tradition of producing oil and wine for four generations, creating products that tell a story of tradition and excellence.

Care for the land, passion for the fruits

For more than a century, oil and wine for passion

  • The beginning

    In Puglia, in the province of Brindisi in the city of Francavilla Fontana, Francesco Memmola, great-grandfather of the current owners, begins the activity of producing and marketing oil.

    End of 1800

  • New techniques

    In 1919 his son Giovanni devoted himself with particular care to the techniques of breeding and production of olives and also vines.


  • New commercial impulse

    In 1952, his son Francesco took over the family business and gave significant impetus to the production and marketing of his own oils, and in 1967 he began to vinify and market his own wines.


  • The new factory

    I fratelli Memmola Giovanni, Carlo e Cosimo hanno trasferito la sede aziendale nel nuovo stabilimento e utilizzando avanzate tecnologie sia nella raccolta che nella trasformazione delle olive hanno dato inizio all'imbottigliamento di oli di qualità eccellente per portare sulle tavole dei consumatori la storia, la tradizione, i sapori ed i colori di questa meravigliosa terra di Puglia.
